Learn to sail on Jervis Bay with the Callala Junior Saling School

CJSS Child Safety Policy logo

Children and teenagers everywhere love to sail (see below)

Give it a Try! Have Fun! Learn to Sail in Jervis Bay!

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For quick access to the site you can use => cjss.au

Note: See the special pages for For Committee Members ONLY =>> Password Protected Files

See the newsletter for information about the 2022/2023 Season, AND the Program/Calendar
Come down any Saturday Morn from (Oct thru April) from 8am to watch the boats and have a chat with us to find out how you can get involved! Or you can email us via email or ring:-

President, Sander Van Nouhuys => Phone: 0417 258876
Secretary, Sonya Longfield => Phone: 0429 076936
Vice President, Issac Van Nouhuys
Treasurer, Peter Woodlands
Child safety Officer, Louise Alexander
Medical Officer, Cathryn Montomery
Postal Address: PO Box 12, Callala Bay, NSW 2540

The Club

Teaching Approach

The Callala Junior Sailing School adopts a learn-by-doing approach with emphasis on giving it a go on the water. Theory is minimal.

The course runs over a full summer season offering time for students to get the experience they need to learn to love and enjoy sailing in a supported environment.

See the Program Page for more details about the course. Complete an Application Form to get involved. Visit the other pages to learn more.

The School has two safety boats which follow the boats with experienced trainers offering hints and advice about sailing.

Some students bring their own boats and the training team has the experience to cater and teach the skills for a wide range of boats.

Student progress at their own pace. Some start out as crew and progress to single-handed sailing.

As with many skills, some students learn quickly, others take more time and then suddenly 'get it' and quickly improve in their abilities.

The wide range of boats available in the club for students to use means that students learn to sail a wide range of boats and can choose boats which suit their experience and skills.

The school encourages families to get involved in the courses. Sailing is one of the few sports and activities that entire families can enjoy together.

As the season progresses mini triangular sailing courses are set out for students to sail around.

The Jervis Bay Sailing Club runs regular events to encourage students to get involved in club races. The students are accompanied by safety boats.

Students often complete shortened race courses with early morning starts to take advantage of light winds.

Sailing is fun! Students learn to enjoy and love sailing! They learn many skills for later life including decision making, resourcefulness, leadership, partnerships and being part of a team.

The ocean is a challenging environment. Learning to use the wind to drive a boat under various changing conditions of wind, waves and weather requires a unique combination of physical abilities, boat handling skills, mental agility, decision making and 'mind over matter' abilities.

Handling sails, rudders, centreboards, ropes and other boat gear, requires skills, learning, clear thinking, making decisions, timing, dexterity and teamwork to keep a boat sailing fast and efficiently, heading in the right direction and avoiding a capsize.

The weather changes every day and this brings new challenges with different sets of winds, waves, tides and other conditions.

Sailing a yacht mirrors the skills and experience needed to navigate through life.

Learning to sail in a team has proven benefits for young people in fostering their development in many ways: physical, mechanical dexterity, mental and social.

Facilities, Venue and Sailing Boats Available (you can bring your own boat as well)

The Callala Bayside Club House has all the facilities for safe enjoyable sailing

The Club

Students help rig the sailboats for sailing, with parents helping as well


Fabulous waters of Jervis Bay


Club has vests and all equipment needed. Two rescue vessels are available

The Gear

Club has a wide range of sailboats to suit a wide range of students aged from 7-14, to young adults, including:


Sailboats available at the club include:

Pittwater Junior Sailboats (6 in club) are very easy to rig and sail solo


Pittwater Junior in action


Manly Junior (4)


Manly Junior and Flying Ant in Action

manly junior

Laser (3)


Heron (1)


OpenBic (3)


Swiffie 10 Dinghy (1)
